Meat Butchers

Cruise ships are well-known for their excellent fare. So many choices of food cooked just right are sure to tempt and satisfy most every palate. The Butcher is the one responsible to make sure that the meats are the finest and that they are cut just right.

Butchers have a number of responsibilities on board, but they are the same as would be expected in any large restaurant, resort or hotel. They make sure that all the meat and poultry needed for the day is thawed, butchered, and prepared as is required. They help to inventory all meat, and are also responsible for the cleaning of the various rooms of the butcher shop according to the industry standards.

Qualifications for the position of Butcher are a Degree from a Culinary School, and at least two years of experience as a Butcher or Head Cook in an upscale resort, hotel, or cruise ship. You also need to have good interpersonal skills, and ability to speak and write good English. Additional languages will make you more attractive to some cruise employers, and you need to be able to lift and carry up to 50 pounds.

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General Cooking Positions
