Cruise Director

The position of Cruise Director is one that is worked up to after having been cruise staff and an Assistant Cruise Director for a while. In addition, a Cruise Director is also usually an individual that has had experience as an entertainer, and possibly has been the lead entertainer on a cruise ship.

The Cruise Director position is largely administrative, and they are responsible to direct all of the entertainment functions on the cruise. Most likely, they will still perform a couple of shows on each cruise. The Assistant Cruise Director helps them in the planning and carrying out of the necessary activities.

In Focus: Cruise Director Interview

The life of a Cruise Director is a busy one. Their tasks include:

  • Planning schedules for the entertainers and speakers.
  • Socializing with the passengers.
  • Training the cruise staff.
  • Staying familiar with safety issues.
  • Handling passenger and crew issues.
  • Attend many onboard ship events, and more.

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Assistant Cruise Director Jobs
