Chief Radio Officers

The Chief Radio Officer is responsible for all of the cruise ship’s radio and other communications, and the systems involved. They operate and maintain all of the radio communication devices on the ship, including satellite hookups, Marisat communications, faxes and telegraph.

It is the job of the Chief Radio Officer to:

  • Send telegrams.
  • Monitor weather reports and the telex.
  • Keep in contact with the cruise line’s home office.
  • Make phone calls to shore-based destinations.
  • Maintain contact with other nearby ships.

They also maintain a log book of radio messages – to and from the ship, and may also maintain the automated phone exchange. They are also in charge of the emergency boats and life vests.

Qualifications for the position of Chief Radio Officer include completion of a maritime school, have sufficient time in lower ranks, and have an extensive knowledge of shipboard communication systems. They also need to have excellent English and management experience.

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