Working for Entertainment Cruises

Read this insightful interview with the HR director for Entertainment Cruises, a large cruise family of 20 ships operating out of 8 locations. They provide dinner cruises, champagne brunch cruises, breakfast cruises and more, with full-on live entertainment including Jazz and popular renditions by the staff.New York Harbor cruise photo

The company also offers cruises for groups of up to 20 and then over 20 where the ship can be hired out for conferences, corporate events and office parties, and even weddings.

How many vessels does your company operate?

We have 20 ships that operate out of 8 locations, namely Baltimore, Washington DC, New York, Boston, Chicago, Philadelphia, New Jersey, and Norfolk. Our most popular products include the Odyssey, Seadog, Mystic Blue, and Spirit Cruises.

Describe a typical ‘cruise’ if there is such a thing. What would the shipboard experience be like for a typical employee?

There are quite a lot of different cruises that you can experience, but generally as an employee the main thing we like to offer our customers is a high quality of service and we do this by following the OSS or Our Service System. This system defines our values as a company and gives employees a code of conduct to follow no matter what ship they are working on. The cruises normally last between 2 and 3 hours depending on the type of cruise and the employees must be there to welcome guests on board, serve and entertain them throughout the evening, and ensure they disembark safely.

What are some of the common job titles you advertise for?

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Interview with Fantasea Adventure Cruising
