Worker profile: Concessionaire Worker

Five months after graduating from college, Angela Pereira landed her dream job as a gift shop employee with Greyhound Leisure Concessionaire working for Carnival Cruise Lines. Without a formal interview Angie was hired over the phone and told to be in Florida two days later for her first nine-month cruise. While she was technically employed by Greyhound, her experiences working on board were similar to those hired directly by a cruise line.

I saw your advertisement in a local newspaper and decided to order the Cruise & Travel Employment Program because it was the cheapest book I could find. I had seen other books, but they were really expensive, and I just didn’t think it was worth it. I didn’t know anything about the cruise business or for that matter the jobs available.

After receiving the materials, I applied for anything and everything-even jobs that knowing what I know now, I would have never applied to because I didn’t stand a chance of getting them. After sending out 20 resumes and receiving a handful of “sorry, not qualified” and “no thanks, we’re not interested right now” letters, Greyhound called me and offered me a position in their gift shop.

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Worker Profile – Cruise Line Public Relations
