
Keeping an engine properly lubricated will help to ensure that it will work when you need it. An Oiler is there to ensure that the engine parts always have enough oil to keep them running efficiently.

The Oiler makes sure that the main bearings of the engine, and of the auxiliary engines, always stay well-oiled. They also are responsible to read various gauges – temperature and pressure, and record the information in logs. They also will assist in repairs and maintenance of the air conditioning systems, the water systems and sewage. It is also their job to help keep the engine room painted. They will also stand watch in the fire-room.

Qualifying as an Oiler requires certification from a maritime school, and experience in the engine room. You also need to have training in fire-fighting and first aid.

Compensation: $1,500 – $2,000

In Focus: Royal Caribbean Engines

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Motorman Jobs
