Ken Kindt worked as a massage therapist at the Woodstock Inn and Resort in Vermont.
The work of a massage therapist is quite varied. Some of it is therapy work for injuries. There are also people who come in for stress-related relief, and others who come in strictly for relaxation.
The resort requires coverage 365 days per year, so as much as I want to work, I’m working. I usually work six days per week, and I rarely do less than five massages per day-usually more like six to eight during the week and eight to ten on the weekends. The weekends are definitely work days. It’s pretty busy year-round here, although some resorts have busy seasons and slow seasons.
My typical day usually starts out with leaving home about eight or nine o’clock. The first massage is at nine or ten, so I go in about half an hour ahead of time and set up the table. I like to keep my lotions and oils warm, so I’ll run a sink full of warm water and let the bottles float in there. I have to wait for the room to adjust to the right temperature. Then I’ll start on the first appointment and proceed through the day that way.