Taking Care of Things at Home

It’s also a good idea to consider all of the things that need to be taken care of while you’re away. If you have an apartment, condo, or home, you need to arrange to have your rent or mortgage paid, as well as your utilities. Most banks offer online bill payment, which allows you to schedule payments up to a year or more in advance. Then you need to make sure your paychecks are deposited to your account so you have the money to cover these prepayments. Don’t forget to prearrange payments for all your bills, including your cell phone bill and any credit cards you may have.

If you have pets and plants, you need to arrange for their care while you’re gone. Most crew members don’t have pets because they are gone for long periods of time. But if you do, you may need to have them live with a family member or friend while you’re gone. You will also need to have your plants watered, or again, give them to others while you’re gone.

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Personal Insurance Programs for Mariners
