This office may include the following titles: Associate Hotel Director, General Manager / Assistant Hotel Manager, Deputy Purser, Assistant Pursers, Junior Assistant Pursers – Guest Service Associate, Crew Purser
Members of the Purser Staff are officers. They are in charge of all of the financial matters on the ship, for passengers and crew. They also handle all of the duties of the "front desk" – which would be the same as in a hotel.
In Focus: Seabourn Staff (Pursers & Others)
The Purser Staff are responsible for all accounting and documenting on the ship. This means that they handle the issues relating to:
Meeting the requirements for Purser Staff position will mean that you need to have a degree in Accounting. You will also need to have some experience in that field, along with some administration experience. It is also necessary to be able to speak good English and to communicate well. In some cases, experience may be optional. Contracts are often for one year.