Spa Attendants

Cruise ships offer a lot of services in their onboard salon, and a spa attendant is needed to take care of it and ensure that the passengers receive the best services. It is their job to assist the passengers while receiving spa treatments.

In Focus: Cruise Ship Spa Jobs Overview (Steiner)

A spa attendant is responsible to help keep the various areas of the spa clean, which includes the spa, the fitness room and the locker rooms. They keep the rooms stocked with the necessary supplies, such as towels, razors, shampoo, conditioners, shower gels, water, and more. They also help to keep the area professionally organized, clean the exercise equipment, and launder the towels, spa robes and sandals when needed.

Cruise ship spa attendants need to have about two years of experience, and need to be hard workers. They must speak and understand written English very well, too. They will answer the phone and take bookings, and it is necessary that they understand and be able to explain hydrotherapy, detox techniques, and relaxation.

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Fitness Related Jobs
